Meer Capital
This PiF is valid for 30 calendar days. Placement shall be confirmed only when contract is signed and duly notarized and the capital commitment is subsequently honored bythe commitment date. Visa Processing is NOT ourresponsibility. Capital commitments are governed by terms and conditions as stated in the PPM. In-case when PPM is revoked or in-case of circumstances beyond reasonable human controls, full refunds are made within 30 days after deduction of administrative, legal and government charges, if incurred.
PiF DATE Point of Contact: Zara Sayed – Executive Vice President – TradeGate Global Tel: +971 55 274 5775 – Line: +971 4 000 0000 WhatsApp: +971 55 000 0000
Email: and Meer Group of Investment LLC – 99 Al Maktoum Road Dubai, UAE.