Meer Capital

Empowering a Sustainable Future

The Vision Pakistan Initiative

Under the ‘Vision Pakistan Initiative,’ Meer Group is committed to fostering sustainable development and economic empowerment across Pakistan. Through innovative housing, e-commerce solutions, and strategic educational programs, we’re not just envisioning a brighter future; we’re actively building it.

Eco-SMART Housing Solutions

Meer Group is addressing the housing demands of overseas Pakistanis with innovative Eco-SMART housing projects, targeting the construction of over 300,000 units annually. This initiative is poised to redefine the residential landscape for millions, ensuring sustainable living and enhanced community welfare.

TradeGate Ecosystem - PAKZON

Introducing PAKZON, a groundbreaking e-commerce platform by Meer Group designed to elevate Pakistani products on the global stage. This initiative supports local entrepreneurs, boosts exports, and transforms Pakistan into a hub of digital commerce excellence

Meer Business Hub

Our comprehensive program aims to stimulate trade, nurture talent, and attract foreign consultation. Through a novel revenue-sharing model, we're enhancing business connectivity across Pakistan, creating opportunities for growth and collaboration

Youth Economic Empowerment

We're committed to empowering Pakistan's youth by bridging the skills gap through micro-credentialing and career hubs. This strategic focus on education and employment is setting a foundation for self-sustenance and economic independence

Collaborative Ventures

Join us in fostering consultation opportunities and partnerships. Meer Group extends an invitation to chambers and visionaries to partake in a journey of mutual growth and global venture success

Join us as we forge a new path for Pakistan, fueled by innovation, sustainability, and collective ambition

Join us as we forge a new path for Pakistan, fueled by innovation, sustainability, and collective ambition

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